Monday, April 11, 2011
Sifat-sifat Syaitan yang Diikuti Manusia.
dengan nama Allah Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Pengasih....
“Allah s.w.t berfirman;Apakah yang menghalangi engkau (sehingga)kamu tidak bersujud (kepada Adam) ketika Aku menyuruhmu?”(iblis) menjawab”Aku lebih baik daripada dia.Engkau ciptakan aku daripada api dan sedangkan dia Engkau ciptakan daripada tanah“(surah al-A’raf:ayat 12)
“(Iblis) menjawab, Kerana Engkau telah menyesatkan aku, pasti aku selalu menghalangi mereka daripada jalanMu yang lurus. Kemudian pasti aku akan mendatangi mereka dari depan, dari belakang, dari kanan dan dari kiri mereka. Dan Engkau tidak akan mendapati kebanyakan mereka bersyukur”(Surah al-A’raf: ayat 16-17)
Antara sifat syaitan yang digariskan Quran adalah :
1.Sombong dan angkuh.
Syaitan adalah makhluk yang sombong dan angkuh.Ramai manusia bersifat seperti syaitan.”Kamu sekolah tak tinggi apa kamu tahu?”.
“Aku lulusan ekonomi sudah tentu aku bijak!”.”Buruk betul kereta itu....”
“Apa keja penyapu sampah,tak standart langsung....”
itulah antara ayat-ayat manusia sombong dan angkuh.Sifat sombong dan angkuh adalah sifat syaitan dan ianya diharamkan Allah.Sifat sombong akan menyebabkan seseorang masuk Neraka sbgmana sabda Baginda saw “Tidak akan masuk Syurga seseorang yang ada dalam hatinya sifat sombong walaupun sebesar atom”.
Manusia sombong dan angkuh kebiasaannya mempunyai sifat lebih sempurna contohnya menjadi pengarah,pegawai besar,orang kaya,memandu kereta mewah,berupa cantik,hidung mancung dan sebagainya.Manusia yang dikurniakan pelbagai kelebihan dan berbangga dgn nikmat yang dimiliki.
Mereka yang sombong adalah mengikut sifat syaitan dan layak dianggap teman syaitan.
2.Menyuruh kejahatan.
Syaitan telah berjanji untuk menyesatkan manusia hingga kiamat.Ia tahu bahawa dirinya bakal menjadi ahli Neraka dan mahu menjemput lebih ramai manusia ke Neraka bersamanya.
Manusia yang menyuruh kejahatan adalah manusia yang mencontohi sifat syaitan.
“Apa la kau dengar je,,marilah sama-sama mengumpat”.
“Masuklah insurans ini,tinggi dividennya...apa nak kira halal ke haram”.
“Tak payah solat...ini hari pengantin,nanti qadak je..”
“Dah berkurun nenek moyang kita ajar tangkal,ikut sahajalah”
“Saya bagi komisen kalu projek tu Pengarah beri syarikat saya”.
“Marilah dengar ceramah kebaikan Syiah..ia ajaran baik”.
“Kau nak beli nombor ekor tak?aku nak pi beli ni..kirim je kat aku”
“Tak patah tutup aurat..pakai je gaun seksi tue..ini hari pengantin..kahwin sekali je..”
Itulah antara ucapan dan kata-kata manusia menyeru kejahatan dan ianya adalah sifat syaitan durjana.Jika melihat manusia suka menyuruh maksiat dan kejahatan,ia membuktikan mereka mengikut telunjuk syaitan.
3.Tidak bersyukur.
Syaitan diberikan nikmat menjadi ahli syurga ketika belum dicipta Adam a.s namun ia kufur dan tidak bersyukur .Akhirnya syaitan dicampak ke dunia.Syaitan berjanji menghasut manusia agar tidak bersyukur sepertinya.
Kita lihat ramai manusia tidak bersyukur walaupun diberikan lima pancaindera.Allah wajibkan solat,solat ditinggalkan.Allah berikan rezeki sejak kecil,namun tidak bersyukur.Allah jadikan dunia sebagai indah namun ramai menulis dalam Facebook “Bosannya hari ini...”
Itulah manusia tidak bersyukur.
Ramai manusia tidak bersyukur hari ini.Dapat gaji RM1000 mahu gaji RM5000,memandu kereta Wira mahukan Mercedes,tinggal rumah flet,mahukan banglo,dikurniakan seorang anak,mahukan 10 anak.Sebagai manusia beriman perlu bersyukur dengan apa yang ada dan berusaha gigih,bukannya mengeluh dan tidak bersyukur.
Ramai manusia bertanya “Mengapa jadikan aku miskin?”Mengapa jadikan aku hodoh?Mengapa jadikan aku buta?mengapa dan mengapa...sedangkan Allah memberi kelemahan dan kelebihan pada setiap manusia...
Ramai manusia buta namun mampu menghafal 30 juzuk Quran dengan sempurna.Ramai manusia celik tetapi tidak mampu menghafal Quran.Itulah kelebihan dan kekurangan.
Bekas pensyarah Universiti Islam Madinah dan juga Mufti Arab Saudi Almarhum syeikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz rahimullah adalah manusia buta.Beliau menghafal Quran dan mampu menjadi pensyarah yang baik.
Diceritakan bahawa beliau berjalan tanpa tongkat dan tahu pelajar yang tidak berdiri pabila disuruh berdiri..amat hebat manusia buta ini...
Ketika saya belajar di Universiti,beliau telah menjawat jawatan Mufti....pensyarah sering menceritakan kisah-kisah ajaib tentang beliau.
Bersyukurlah kerana syukur itu Mahmudah dan tidak bersyukur itu sifat syaitan.
Manusia beriman itu perlu mengkaji ayat-ayat Quran agar tahu segala sifat syaitan dan menjauhi sifat-sifat tersebut.Syaitan adalah musuh Allah dan sesiapa yang mengikut sifat syaitan maka jadilah mereka syaitan dalam golongan manusia.
“Ya Allah..jauhkan kami dari sifat-sifat syaitan.Kurniakan kami kekuatan dalam menghadapi segala tipu daya dan cobaan syaitan durjana..Ya Zal Jalal wal Ikram....Engkaulah Maha Berkuasa dan Maha Pengasih...amin..”
Yang Maha Sempurna hanyalah Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Pengampun dan diri sendiri adalah manusia naif lagi banyak kekurangan.....
Saat Sulaiman.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Buku Great Soul Ungkap Mahatma Gandhi Biseksual.
Sebuah biografi kontroversial tokoh dunia Mahatma Gandhi menyatakan politisi asal India itu rasis dan biseksual. Buku bertajuk Great Soul yang ditulis mantan editor eksekutif New York Times Joseph Lelyveld itu menuliskan beberapa klaim kontroversial mengenai pria yang memimpin kemerdekaan India tersebut.
Seperti Gandhi tua yang memiliki kebiasaan berpelukan saat tidur di malam hari, tanpa mengenakan busana, dengan gadis-gadis berusia 17 tahun yang ikut dalam perjalanannya. Tak jarang, ia mengajak keponakannya sendiri dalam kebiasaan berpelukan itu.
Disebutkan pula bahwa Gandhi jatuh cinta dengan seorang arsitek Yahudi-Jerman yang seorang binaragawan, Hermann Kallenbach, hingga meninggalkan istrinya pada 1908. “Gandhi menyurati Kallenbach mengenai bagaimana ia telah mengendalikan tubuhnya,” demikian buku tersebut. Bahkan, Gandhi menyebut dirinya sebagai ‘Upper House’ dan Kallenbach sebagai ‘Lower House’. Gandhi juga dikatakan membuat si ‘Lower House’ berjanji tidak jatuh hati pada seorang perempuan. Keduanya juga disebut saling memberi janji cinta.
Foto Gandhi dan Hermann Kallenbach yang dituduhkan punya hubungan spesial tersebut
Dalam klaim mengejutkan lainnya, buku tersebut menyatakan Gandhi memiliki pandangan yang rasial terhadap warga kulit hitam dari Afrika Selatan. “Kami dibariskan menuju penjara untuk orang kafir. Kami mengerti tak digolongkan dengan kulit putih. Namun disetarakan dengan pribumi rasanya terlalu berat. Kafir sama saja seperti penduduk barbar,” demikian buku tersebut, yang menyatakan mengutip Gandhi.
Dalam review untuk buku tersebut di media Wall Street Journal , Gandhi disebut sebagai orang seksual aneh, tak kompeten berpolitik, penyembah fanatik, rasis dan suka mempromosikan dirinya sendiri, serta membuat konsep untuk mencintai sesama manusia walau pada saat bersamaan suka melecehkan orang secara individual.
Seperti Gandhi tua yang memiliki kebiasaan berpelukan saat tidur di malam hari, tanpa mengenakan busana, dengan gadis-gadis berusia 17 tahun yang ikut dalam perjalanannya. Tak jarang, ia mengajak keponakannya sendiri dalam kebiasaan berpelukan itu.
Disebutkan pula bahwa Gandhi jatuh cinta dengan seorang arsitek Yahudi-Jerman yang seorang binaragawan, Hermann Kallenbach, hingga meninggalkan istrinya pada 1908. “Gandhi menyurati Kallenbach mengenai bagaimana ia telah mengendalikan tubuhnya,” demikian buku tersebut. Bahkan, Gandhi menyebut dirinya sebagai ‘Upper House’ dan Kallenbach sebagai ‘Lower House’. Gandhi juga dikatakan membuat si ‘Lower House’ berjanji tidak jatuh hati pada seorang perempuan. Keduanya juga disebut saling memberi janji cinta.
Foto Gandhi dan Hermann Kallenbach yang dituduhkan punya hubungan spesial tersebut
Dalam klaim mengejutkan lainnya, buku tersebut menyatakan Gandhi memiliki pandangan yang rasial terhadap warga kulit hitam dari Afrika Selatan. “Kami dibariskan menuju penjara untuk orang kafir. Kami mengerti tak digolongkan dengan kulit putih. Namun disetarakan dengan pribumi rasanya terlalu berat. Kafir sama saja seperti penduduk barbar,” demikian buku tersebut, yang menyatakan mengutip Gandhi.
Dalam review untuk buku tersebut di media Wall Street Journal , Gandhi disebut sebagai orang seksual aneh, tak kompeten berpolitik, penyembah fanatik, rasis dan suka mempromosikan dirinya sendiri, serta membuat konsep untuk mencintai sesama manusia walau pada saat bersamaan suka melecehkan orang secara individual.
Inilah Sebabnya Lubang Pusat Tidak Boleh di Bersihkan.
Pusar adalah suatu tanda lubang tertutup di atas perut, yang sengaja dibuat ketika tali pusar dilepas dan dipotong dari perut bayi yang baru lahir agar terlepas dari plasenta ibunya. Semua makhluk mamalia yang berplasenta pasti akan mempunyai pusar. Pada hewan umumnya pusar hanya terlihat seperti garis tipis yang samar.
Kotoran pada kulit (daki/ bolot ), meskipun setiap hari kita sudah mandi, kotoran ini tetap ada. Ini disebabkan karena sebenarnya daki itu bukan cuma kotoran. Setiap hari ada sel mati yang mengandung keratin gugur dari permukaan kulit dan minyak yang keluar, semua bercampur bersama kotoran, itulah yang menjadi daki. Sel kulit mati dan minyak yang terkumpul pada lubang pusar menjadi kotoran di sana. Tetapi kotoran pusar itu tidak boleh dibersihkan.
Kenapa lubang pusat tidak boleh dibersihkan?
Kulit yang terdapat pada pusar lebih tipis daripada kulit pada bagian tubuh yang lainnya. Jadi, jika kulit dianalogikan sebagai dinding kastil, pusar dianggap sebagai pintu gerbangnya. Ingatkah anda, dulu waktu anda masih dalam kandungan ibu, pusar menjadi penghubung antara ibu dan anak. dan sekarang pintu itu sudah tertutup.
Pintu merupakan titik lemah dari suatu kastil. dan pintu ini harus senantiasa kita jaga, karena jika pintu ini anda rusak sendiri dengan mengorek-korek atau membersihkannya yang akan menyebabkan pintu retak, anda yang akan rugi sendiri. Bagaimana tidak, anda telah membukakan jalan pada jutaan musuh yang telah menunggu di sekeliling kastil anda.
Walaupun di balik kulit masih ada pertahanan lainnya (Antibodi, makrofag, dll), apa salahnya jika anda menjaganya, karena tidak ada yang bisa menjamin prajurit anda di balik dinding kastil akan menang atas serangan musuh.
Kegunaan baik radioaktif.
Radiation as a medical cure has valid uses and definite dangers to the human body. We use radiation for diagnosis (as in x-rays) and for therapy (as in cancer treatment), but the benefits must be carefully weighed against the costs. Once upon a time, radiation in different forms was new and wondrous and had a million uses -medications, cosmetics, industrial applications, and even entertainment. It was only later that the danger became evident.
What could possibly make your smile brighter than radioactive toothpaste? A German firm called the Auer Company (Auergesellschaft) diverted thorium supplies from the Nazi atomic program in 1944 when it became clear that Germany would not win the war. The forward-thinking company saw the future of nuclear materials in cosmetics and developed Doramad radioactive toothpaste. Besides the usual wonderful benefits of radiation, the marketing mentioned that radiation would hinder bacteria in the mouth.
The radiation from x-rays was not considered particularly dangerous to humans when the machine was first invented. Despite injuries to scientists and technicians, the miracle instrument found its way into doctor’s offices, military labs, and even shoe stores. From the 1930s to the 1960s, children were encouraged to have their shoe size determined “scientifically” by putting their feet into an x-ray fluoroscope at the shoe store. The shoe salesman and the customer could both see the bones in the foot (and be bombarded by leaking radiation). By 1950, these machines were recognized as dangerous, but they were only gradually banned state-by-state until 1970, when remaining states restricted the machines’ use so strictly that the manufacturers stopped supplying them. They continued to be used in Europe for years afterward.
Dr. Alfred Curie was no relation to either Marie or Pierre Curie, but his name sold French women on the idea of radioactive cosmetics. Curie along with Alexis Moussali developed a line of beauty products under the name Tho-radia. The line included face cream, soap, powder, and even toothpaste containing thorium and radium. Although they were expensive, Tho-radia product were a hit in Paris, and therefore popular everywhere else.
Dorothy Gray Salon Cold Cream was not marketed as containing any radioactive material, but this television ad is a bit shocking to modern audiences. The model is covered with radioactive dirt to show how well the cold cream removes it. At least we hope it did.
Radithor was a cure-all patent medicine consisting of distilled water and two isotopes of radium. Advertisements called it “Perpetual Sunshine”. Radithor was only one of many radioactive elixirs sold to alleviate pain and cure all manner of maladies. According to this article from 1932, a popular advocate of Radithor developed holes in his bones and skull, and his entire jaw had to be removed as it had deteriorated badly, just before he died of radiation poisoning. Image by Flickr user Somewhat Frank.
If you needed more radioactive water than could be supplied by patent medicines, you could make your own with any of dozens of devices produced to add radiation to water. This Radium Emanator was sold in the 1930s. It had uranium embedded in the cement core, which would leach into the water overnight.
Radium paint was special in that it tended to glow in the dark. The obvious use for this was for clock dials, so they could be seen with the lights out. Young women were hired in the 1920s to paint the numbers and hands on these clocks. The painters needed a very fine point on their brushes, so they would pull the brush fibers between their lips to keep the point. The amount of radium in each clock or watch was rather weak, but the painters in the factories absorbed so much that many died of radiation poisoning and related cancers, and others suffered from various radiation-induced disorders, particularly bone loss in the jaw. Five of the “Radium Girls” sued the company, U.S. Radium for damages, a case which led to stricter safety standards for the use of radium in industry.
Although natural radon emissions have been designated as a health hazard and limits of safe exposure are set, some people still believe in the health benefits of radon. For these people, a vacation to a spa just for this purpose can be arranged. These spas were opened in the 1950s at abandoned mining sites in Montana where radon seeps out in unusual amounts. Spas include the Sunshine Health Mine in Boulder, Montana and Earth Angel Health Mine in Basin, Montana. Similar facilities are open in Europe as well. Image by Landon Nordeman/National Geographic.
The Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab was one of many children’s chemistry sets that included radioactive materials, in this case four kinds of uranium. The Gilbert lab was recommended for “only boys with a great deal of education”, and was priced at $50.00, an astronomical sum in those days. The high price was the reason for the disappearance of these kits rather than the danger of the materials. You could buy less expensive kits for your youngster in the sixties, such as the Atomic Energy Lab which only had one kind of uranium, but also contained radium.
In the 1930s, anyone with $150 could purchase a radiendocrinator to place over your endocrine glands to expose them to therapeutic radium. The device came with paper soaked in radium, which you inserted into the case and exposed, screen-side up, to your testicles or other glands.
Another way to introduce radium to your vital glands was in a suppository form. Vita Radium Suppositories were guaranteed to contain radium, which sounded like a good thing at the time. Some ads contained euphemisms such as “vitality” alluding to a promised increase in sexual potency, while other ads targeting both men and women promised global benefits for anything that ailed you.
Beginning around 200 years ago, uranium salts were combined with silica before it was melted to create pretty yellow-green glass dishes. Most of these uranium glass dishes are valuable antiques now, and this is why you may see people carry black lights into an antique shop or flea market -they are testing for actual uranium content as opposed to later recreations. Image by Wikimedia Commons user Z Vesoulis
1. Radioactive Toothpaste
What could possibly make your smile brighter than radioactive toothpaste? A German firm called the Auer Company (Auergesellschaft) diverted thorium supplies from the Nazi atomic program in 1944 when it became clear that Germany would not win the war. The forward-thinking company saw the future of nuclear materials in cosmetics and developed Doramad radioactive toothpaste. Besides the usual wonderful benefits of radiation, the marketing mentioned that radiation would hinder bacteria in the mouth.
2. Shoe-fitting Fluoroscope
The radiation from x-rays was not considered particularly dangerous to humans when the machine was first invented. Despite injuries to scientists and technicians, the miracle instrument found its way into doctor’s offices, military labs, and even shoe stores. From the 1930s to the 1960s, children were encouraged to have their shoe size determined “scientifically” by putting their feet into an x-ray fluoroscope at the shoe store. The shoe salesman and the customer could both see the bones in the foot (and be bombarded by leaking radiation). By 1950, these machines were recognized as dangerous, but they were only gradually banned state-by-state until 1970, when remaining states restricted the machines’ use so strictly that the manufacturers stopped supplying them. They continued to be used in Europe for years afterward.
3. Tho-radia Cosmetics
Dr. Alfred Curie was no relation to either Marie or Pierre Curie, but his name sold French women on the idea of radioactive cosmetics. Curie along with Alexis Moussali developed a line of beauty products under the name Tho-radia. The line included face cream, soap, powder, and even toothpaste containing thorium and radium. Although they were expensive, Tho-radia product were a hit in Paris, and therefore popular everywhere else.
Dorothy Gray Salon Cold Cream was not marketed as containing any radioactive material, but this television ad is a bit shocking to modern audiences. The model is covered with radioactive dirt to show how well the cold cream removes it. At least we hope it did.
4. Radithor
Radithor was a cure-all patent medicine consisting of distilled water and two isotopes of radium. Advertisements called it “Perpetual Sunshine”. Radithor was only one of many radioactive elixirs sold to alleviate pain and cure all manner of maladies. According to this article from 1932, a popular advocate of Radithor developed holes in his bones and skull, and his entire jaw had to be removed as it had deteriorated badly, just before he died of radiation poisoning. Image by Flickr user Somewhat Frank.
5. Radium Emanators
If you needed more radioactive water than could be supplied by patent medicines, you could make your own with any of dozens of devices produced to add radiation to water. This Radium Emanator was sold in the 1930s. It had uranium embedded in the cement core, which would leach into the water overnight.
6. Radium Clock Dials
Radium paint was special in that it tended to glow in the dark. The obvious use for this was for clock dials, so they could be seen with the lights out. Young women were hired in the 1920s to paint the numbers and hands on these clocks. The painters needed a very fine point on their brushes, so they would pull the brush fibers between their lips to keep the point. The amount of radium in each clock or watch was rather weak, but the painters in the factories absorbed so much that many died of radiation poisoning and related cancers, and others suffered from various radiation-induced disorders, particularly bone loss in the jaw. Five of the “Radium Girls” sued the company, U.S. Radium for damages, a case which led to stricter safety standards for the use of radium in industry.
7. Radon Health Mines
Although natural radon emissions have been designated as a health hazard and limits of safe exposure are set, some people still believe in the health benefits of radon. For these people, a vacation to a spa just for this purpose can be arranged. These spas were opened in the 1950s at abandoned mining sites in Montana where radon seeps out in unusual amounts. Spas include the Sunshine Health Mine in Boulder, Montana and Earth Angel Health Mine in Basin, Montana. Similar facilities are open in Europe as well. Image by Landon Nordeman/National Geographic.
8. Home Experiments
The Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab was one of many children’s chemistry sets that included radioactive materials, in this case four kinds of uranium. The Gilbert lab was recommended for “only boys with a great deal of education”, and was priced at $50.00, an astronomical sum in those days. The high price was the reason for the disappearance of these kits rather than the danger of the materials. You could buy less expensive kits for your youngster in the sixties, such as the Atomic Energy Lab which only had one kind of uranium, but also contained radium.
9. Radiendocrinator
10. Vita Radium Suppositories
Another way to introduce radium to your vital glands was in a suppository form. Vita Radium Suppositories were guaranteed to contain radium, which sounded like a good thing at the time. Some ads contained euphemisms such as “vitality” alluding to a promised increase in sexual potency, while other ads targeting both men and women promised global benefits for anything that ailed you.
11. Uranium Glass
Beginning around 200 years ago, uranium salts were combined with silica before it was melted to create pretty yellow-green glass dishes. Most of these uranium glass dishes are valuable antiques now, and this is why you may see people carry black lights into an antique shop or flea market -they are testing for actual uranium content as opposed to later recreations. Image by Wikimedia Commons user Z Vesoulis
Cerita - Cerita Unik di Balik 12 Lambang Zodiak.
1. Capricorn
Menurut mitologi bangsa Yunani, kambing yang dijadikan lambang zodiak ini bernama Amaltheus. Kambing ini pernah memberikan air susunya kepada dewa Zeus.
Ketika dewa tertinggi bangsa Yunani kuno ini masih bayi, dan berada dalam gua, Zeus disembunyikan ibunya sebab takut dimangsa bapaknya yang ganas bernama Chronoos. Karena jasanya ini, kambing ini lalu diangkat ke langit, dibekali cahaya dan jadilah bintang.
2. Aquarius
Dilambangkan oleh seorang pemuda tampan yang sedang menuang air dari tempayan besar. Namanya Ganimedes, pelayan paling setia dewa Zeus. Tugasnya memang membawakan minuman dewa paling agung bangsa Yunani itu.
3. Pisces
Dilambangkan dengan dua ekor ikan. Kedua ekor ikan ini telah berjasa membawa dewi Venus (dewi kecantikan) dan dewa Mars (dewa perang) ke sungai Eufrat, waktu mereka di kejar oleh Typhon.
4. Aries
Dilambangkan oleh seekor domba. Domba ini bukan sembarang domba. Domba ini berbulu emas. Ia dikorbankan kepada dewa tertinggi sebagai persembahan, ternyata dewa Zeus senang menerimanya. Dan ia pun dijadikan bintang.
5. Taurus
Dilambangkan oleh sapi jantan. Taurus berasal dari kata Taureau yang artinya sapi jantan. Sapi ini adalah jelmaan dari dewa Zeus (Yupiter). Konon menurut ceritanya dewa Zeus paling suka sama gadis-gadis cantik.
Ia juga terkenal sebagai dewa yang paling banyak istrinya. Maka, ketika ia melihat kecantikan putri Eropa, yang cantiknya tiada tara, saking cintanya ia mengubah dirinya menjadi sapi jantan agar dapat menculik putri Eropa.
6. Gemini
Dilambangkan dengan sepasang dua anak kembar. Mereka adalah putra dari dewa Zeus. Kedua anak kembar ini bernama Castor dan Polux.
7. Cancer
Dilambangkan oleh kepiting. Merupakan jelmaan ular bernama Hydra. Ular ini di kirim oleh Yuno, untuk melawan Hercules (pemuda yang dikenal kuat dan gagah berani). Ular yang di kirim oleh Yuno ini ternyata sangat beracun dan mempunyai banyak kepala. Apabila kepalanya ditebas oleh Hercules maka akan tumbuh lagi.
Hercules dengan cerdiknya, membakar leher ular itu. Maka habislah riwayat sang ular. Kemudian ular itu dijadikan bintang. Membunuh ular adalah salah satu dari 12 tugas Hercules yang sangat berat.
8. Leo
Dilambangkan oleh singa. Singa ini merupakan salah satu dari 12 tugas Hercules yang sangat terkenal. Singa ini merupakan singa yang paling ganas yang harus ditaklukkannya.
9. Virgo
Lambangnya adalah seorang putri yang sangat cantik. Putri ini adalah jelmaan putri Astrea yang hidup di zaman emas. Pada waktu itu ia turun dari langit ke bumi. Tetapi ia tak tinggal di bumi, karena tidak tahan melihat penderitaan dan kejahatan yang dilakukan manusia di bumi.
Maka ia kembali ke langit dan menjelma menjadi bintang. Orang Yunani membagi zaman ini menjadi 4, yaitu zaman emas, perak, perunggu dan besi
10. Libra
Dilambangkan dengan neraca atau timbangan. Merupakan simbol dari keadilan. Putri yang menguasai keadilan adalah putri Justicia. Asal-usulnya tidak diketahui secara pasti.
11. Scorpio
Lambangnya adalah kalajengking. Mempunyai asal-usul yang sangat menarik. Yaitu, terjadi cinta segi 4. Antara Orion (pemuda yang tampan), Diana (dewi bulan), Venus (dewi kecantikan) dan Aurora (dewi fajar).
Karena ketampanan Orion, ia dicintai 3 dewi cantik sekaligus. Karena cemburu kepada kedua rivalnya, Diana mengirim kalajengking kepada Orion. Kalajengking itu menggigitnya hingga mati.
Diana menyesal atas perbuatannya. Dan memohon kepada dewa Zeus agar Orion dijadikan bintang. Karena ia tidak bersalah, maka dewa Zeus mengangkatnya menjadi bintang dalam gugusan bintang scorpio.
12. Sagitarius
Lambangnya adalah makhluk berbadan kuda, berkepala manusia yang sedang memanah. Makhluk ini diberi nama Centaurus. Sebetulnya Centaurus adalah para monster, musuh para dewa dan manusia.
Kecuali Centaurus bernama Chyron adalah sahabat serta guru para dewa dan manusia. Ia mengajarkan cara menggunakan senjata dan memanah dengan baik. Karena jasa inilah, ia diangkat menjadi bintang.
Konflik arab-israel->kalau mahu kisah tepat kena baca dua2 belah pihak.
The freest Arabs, Christians, Jews and Muslims in Mideast are Israelis
Even after the "Palestine Liberation Organization" got authority over 95% of the Arab Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the more than one million Arab Palestinians in Israel chose to continue to live under Israeli sovereignty in the Jewish state of Israel rather than choosing to live under the all-too-unfortunate oppression which is the lot of their Arab and Muslim brothers throughout the Middle East. 77% of Israeli Arabs would even live nowhere else than in Israel. Moreover, millions of Arab Palestinian imagined "refugees" desire to "return" living in Israel.
Arabs in Israel have equal rights under the law
Arabs in Israel can vote for whoever they want
Arabs in Israel can worship freely
Arabs in Israel are entitled to the full same state education as all other Israelis
Arabs are members of the Israeli parliament and ministers in the government
Israeli society gives more opportunity to Arabs than do Arab states to their own citizens. Israeli Arabs and Muslims have the right to vote and to hold public office, like every other Israeli citizen. Nearly one-10th of the Knesset, Israel's parliament, is Arab; there is a mosque in the Knesset building for those who are Muslim. One of the justices of Israel's Supreme Court is an Arab Muslim; so is a minister in the Israeli cabinet. Arabs are active in Israeli commerce, media, education, and law. For headstrong Arabs, bent on protest, Israel is in every respect a paradise compared with any other state in the Middle East.
Arab Israeli wins Maccabiah gold
Arabs volunteer for combat units of the Israel Defense Forces
First female Arab soldier joins elite Israel Defense Forces unit 669
Arab security guard a 'hero for the State of Israel'
Arab student wins Zionism contest
One-third of Arab households in Israel get government support as their main source of income
A secure and prosperous Israel benefits Arabs: over 100,000 illegal aliens have left Arab lands to reside in Israel
Arab Palestinians who cling to Israel
Rana Raslan, an Arab woman, was crowned Miss Israel
Israeli Arab Bnei Sakhnin wins State Cup Final (Haaretz, May 19, 2004): "Sakhnin owner Mazen Ghnaim said 'many Jews and Arabs from the Galilee came to cheer us on. Sakhnin is a great example of coexistence.' Prime Minister Ariel Sharon offered his congratulations to the team and said he was certain Bnei Sakhnin would represent Israel honorably in European matches. ... Bnei Sakhnin fans heading back north after the Ramat Gan game caused traffic jams when they stopped for a spontaneous celebration at the Fureidis junction. Israeli Arab towns across the north were celebrating the Bnei Sakhnin victory."
The freest Arabs, Christians, Jews and Muslims in Mideast are Israelis
Even after the "Palestine Liberation Organization" got authority over 95% of the Arab Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the more than one million Arab Palestinians in Israel chose to continue to live under Israeli sovereignty in the Jewish state of Israel rather than choosing to live under the all-too-unfortunate oppression which is the lot of their Arab and Muslim brothers throughout the Middle East. 77% of Israeli Arabs would even live nowhere else than in Israel. Moreover, millions of Arab Palestinian imagined "refugees" desire to "return" living in Israel.
Arabs in Israel have equal rights under the law
Arabs in Israel can vote for whoever they want
Arabs in Israel can worship freely
Arabs in Israel are entitled to the full same state education as all other Israelis
Arabs are members of the Israeli parliament and ministers in the government
Israeli society gives more opportunity to Arabs than do Arab states to their own citizens. Israeli Arabs and Muslims have the right to vote and to hold public office, like every other Israeli citizen. Nearly one-10th of the Knesset, Israel's parliament, is Arab; there is a mosque in the Knesset building for those who are Muslim. One of the justices of Israel's Supreme Court is an Arab Muslim; so is a minister in the Israeli cabinet. Arabs are active in Israeli commerce, media, education, and law. For headstrong Arabs, bent on protest, Israel is in every respect a paradise compared with any other state in the Middle East.
Arab Israeli wins Maccabiah gold
Arabs volunteer for combat units of the Israel Defense Forces
First female Arab soldier joins elite Israel Defense Forces unit 669
Arab security guard a 'hero for the State of Israel'
Arab student wins Zionism contest
One-third of Arab households in Israel get government support as their main source of income
A secure and prosperous Israel benefits Arabs: over 100,000 illegal aliens have left Arab lands to reside in Israel
Arab Palestinians who cling to Israel
Rana Raslan, an Arab woman, was crowned Miss Israel
Israeli Arab Bnei Sakhnin wins State Cup Final (Haaretz, May 19, 2004): "Sakhnin owner Mazen Ghnaim said 'many Jews and Arabs from the Galilee came to cheer us on. Sakhnin is a great example of coexistence.' Prime Minister Ariel Sharon offered his congratulations to the team and said he was certain Bnei Sakhnin would represent Israel honorably in European matches. ... Bnei Sakhnin fans heading back north after the Ramat Gan game caused traffic jams when they stopped for a spontaneous celebration at the Fureidis junction. Israeli Arab towns across the north were celebrating the Bnei Sakhnin victory."
Compare Freedom Score of Israel (Free)
versus 22 Arab regimes & Iran (18 Not Free, 5 Partly Free), Source: Freedom House (PDF, 187 KB)
versus 22 Arab regimes & Iran (18 Not Free, 5 Partly Free), Source: Freedom House (PDF, 187 KB)
Compare Human Development Index of Israel (0.905), 22 Arab regimes (0.662) & Iran (0.719) (PDF, 670 KB) Source: United Nations Human Development Report 2003
99.5% of U.S. Congress Commends Israeli Democracy (Feb 11, 2003) ( PDF, 31 KB) The House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to “commend the people of Israel for reaffirming their dedication to democratic ideals”. The resolution, which passed 411-2, also reaffirms the “close bonds of friendship” that have “bound the people of the United States and the people of Israel together through turbulent times for more than half a century,” and urges the Palestinian leadership to act on President Bush’s June 24, 2002, call to elect new leaders, dismantle the terrorist infrastructure, end incitement and embrace democracy.99.5% of U.S. Congress Commends Israeli Democracy (Feb 11, 2002)
Why Arabs love Israel (Joseph Farah, WND, Apr 9, 2003): "Arabs in Israel vote. They elect leaders to the Knesset [Israeli parliament]. They have their own political parties. They have their own newspapers. They have full rights to citizenship. They are free to speak their minds. As an Arab-American journalist who has spent a good deal of time covering the region, I can tell you there is more freedom for Arabs in Israel than in any Arab state."
The freest Arabs in the Middle East: List of 12 Arab members of 15th Israeli Parliament (out of 120 MPs in the 15th Knesset).
The sole Arab parties in the Middle East participating in free elections send members to the Israeli parliament (where they use the Western freedom of speech to criticize Israel and can praise Iran and 22 Arab police regimes). The only freely elected Arab parliamentarians in the Middle East are members of the Israeli Parliament - in Jerusalem. The only court in the Middle East from which an Arab or a Muslim can expect justice is the Israeli Supreme Court - in Jerusalem - which is one of the most highly regarded in the world. Israel is the only place in the Middle East where an Arab or Muslim can freely criticize his government.
The Jerusalem Times is published by Palestinians in Jerusalem - under Israeli rule. So are Al-Quds, Palestine Report, and others. Ironically, the only free Arab press in the Middle East is published in Israel. The Israeli freedom of speech allows Palestinian journalists to criticize Israel and praise Arab police states, tyrannies and theocracies.
Israel: religious freedom for all - including Moslems
Moslems at Al-Aksa Mosquein Israeli capital Jerusalem
Moslems at Al-Aksa Mosquein Israeli capital Jerusalem
Christian churches in Jerusalem/Israel (Israeli Yellow Pages) - At the same time as Christians are fleeing the Palestinian Autonomy Israel's Christian population is increasing
Freedom for all religions in Israel
vs. religious apartheid in Saudi Arabiaand Palestinian Autonomy:
Palestinian National Authority Official Website, Jul 2, 2003: "President Arafat Condemns Israeli Decision to Allow Non-Muslims into Al-Aqsa ... Officials from the Waqf—the Islamic trust running the site—banned Jews and other non-Muslims from visiting the site ..."
vs. religious apartheid in Saudi Arabiaand Palestinian Autonomy:
Palestinian National Authority Official Website, Jul 2, 2003: "President Arafat Condemns Israeli Decision to Allow Non-Muslims into Al-Aqsa ... Officials from the Waqf—the Islamic trust running the site—banned Jews and other non-Muslims from visiting the site ..."
A mosque in Rome? Sure. A non-Muslim in Mecca? No. (Jonathan V. Last, Wall Street Journal, Aug 29, 2003): "If you judge by the pictures, the Makkah Hilton is a nice place to stay. There's just one catch, as the Web site notes. The five-star hotel 'is exclusively sited within the Holy City which, by national and religious law, is only accessible to visitors of the Muslim Religion.' This law is something of a singularity among major religions, because it isn't merely the Grand Mosque that is off-limits to nonbelievers, the way, for instance, a Mormon Temple is. It's a city--a major city with hotels, supermarkets, schools and a population of 1.2 million people. (The city of Medina, population 700,000, also forbids non-Muslims.) ... The ban sometimes creates logistical woes. Companies that rely on skilled workers often resort to using auxiliary offices outside the city. Ms. Mackey tells of the building of a hotel designed by a Western architect. The Saudis refused to allow him into the city and, she writes, 'insisted that he stand on a hill outside of town and direct the work through a telescope.' ... But even at the State Department, the ban rankles. 'Every religion needs to have its own freedom of assembly and be able to protect the integrity of its holy places,' said one State Department expert. 'But it's just absurd that it goes to these great lengths. . . . Even if you don't care about lofty ideals like religious freedom or openness, we're starting to see some real connections between religious intolerance and terrorism.'"
Official website of Makkah Hilton Hotel, Saudi Arabia (Aug 30, 2003): "... this hotel is only accessible to visitors of Muslim religion."
Official website of Madinah Hilton Hotel, Saudi Arabia (Aug 30, 2003): "... this hotel is only accessible to visitors of Muslim religion."
Saudi Arabia's Apartheid (Colbert I. King, Washington Post, Dec 22, 2001): "He said he and his wife were amused to read early press reports from Afghanistan about the oppression of women and religious minorities. 'Virtually everything described there was taking place in Saudi Arabia, with the exception that at least the Taliban permitted other religions to exist in their country. This is absolutely forbidden in Saudi Arabia.' .... One of the (still) untold stories, however, is the cooperation of U.S. and other Western companies in enforcing sexual apartheid in Saudi Arabia. McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, and other U.S. firms, for instance, maintain strictly segregated eating zones in their restaurants. The men's sections are typically lavish, comfortable and up to Western standards, whereas the women's or families' sections are often run-down, neglected and, in the case of Starbucks, have no seats. Worse, these firms will bar entrance to Western women who show up without their husbands. My wife and other [U.S. government affiliated] women were regularly forbidden entrance to the local McDonald's unless there was a man with them."
Official website of Madinah Hilton Hotel, Saudi Arabia (Aug 30, 2003): "... this hotel is only accessible to visitors of Muslim religion."
Saudi Arabia's Apartheid (Colbert I. King, Washington Post, Dec 22, 2001): "He said he and his wife were amused to read early press reports from Afghanistan about the oppression of women and religious minorities. 'Virtually everything described there was taking place in Saudi Arabia, with the exception that at least the Taliban permitted other religions to exist in their country. This is absolutely forbidden in Saudi Arabia.' .... One of the (still) untold stories, however, is the cooperation of U.S. and other Western companies in enforcing sexual apartheid in Saudi Arabia. McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, and other U.S. firms, for instance, maintain strictly segregated eating zones in their restaurants. The men's sections are typically lavish, comfortable and up to Western standards, whereas the women's or families' sections are often run-down, neglected and, in the case of Starbucks, have no seats. Worse, these firms will bar entrance to Western women who show up without their husbands. My wife and other [U.S. government affiliated] women were regularly forbidden entrance to the local McDonald's unless there was a man with them."
Arabic is one of the official languages of the State of Israel:
Israeli stamps, Israeli money,
Israeli State Comptroller and Ombudsman website
Israeli Supreme Court website, Israeli Parliament website
Israeli stamps, Israeli money,
Israeli State Comptroller and Ombudsman website
Israeli Supreme Court website, Israeli Parliament website
Entrance of the State Comptroller and Ombudsman's 's official Arabic website(Feb 3, 2004)
Entrance of the Jerusalem Municipality's official Arabic website(Jan 7, 2005)
Entrance of the the Israeli Parliament's official Arabicwebsite (Feb 3, 2004)
Friday Sermon on Palestinian Authority Television (MPG, 4.2 MB): "... I pray to Allah that we live to see the usurping Knesset [Israeli Parliament] collapse on the heads of the Jews ..."
The Arab Population of Israel (Israel Central Bureau of Statistics) (PDF, 201 KB):
"8 times its size in 1948." - one of the world's highest annual growth rates (3.92 p.a.).
If you're a headstrong Arab or Iranian, bent on protest, Israel is in every respect a paradise compared with any other state in the Middle East:
In Lebanon, don’t try speaking out against the Syrian occupation. You won’t live long.
In Saudi Arabia, don’t try converting from Islam. You won't live long.
In Somalia, don’t try refusing sexual mutilation of your sister. She and you won't live long.
In Tunisia, don’t try saying the government is corrupt. You won't live long.
In Egypt, don’t try being a homosexual. You won't live long.
In Sudan, don’t try being a separatist. You won’t live long.
In Iran, don’t try having an affair. You won’t live long.
In Iraq, don’t try to be a party activist. You won’t live long.
In Algeria, don’t try to be suspected of Islamism. You won't live long.
In Libya, don’t try asking about her role in international terrorism. You won’t live long.
In Mauritania, don’t try helping a slave run away. He and you won’t live long.
In Syria, don’t try throwing stones at police. You won't live long.
In Oman, don’t try demonstrating for women rights. You won’t live long.
In Morocco, don’t try saying Arab Saharawis have been displaced. You won’t live long.
In Yemen, don’t try apostasy. You won’t live long.
In the Palestinian Authority, don’t try supporting democratic Israel. You won’t live long.
In Lebanon, don’t try speaking out against the Syrian occupation. You won’t live long.
In Saudi Arabia, don’t try converting from Islam. You won't live long.
In Somalia, don’t try refusing sexual mutilation of your sister. She and you won't live long.
In Tunisia, don’t try saying the government is corrupt. You won't live long.
In Egypt, don’t try being a homosexual. You won't live long.
In Sudan, don’t try being a separatist. You won’t live long.
In Iran, don’t try having an affair. You won’t live long.
In Iraq, don’t try to be a party activist. You won’t live long.
In Algeria, don’t try to be suspected of Islamism. You won't live long.
In Libya, don’t try asking about her role in international terrorism. You won’t live long.
In Mauritania, don’t try helping a slave run away. He and you won’t live long.
In Syria, don’t try throwing stones at police. You won't live long.
In Oman, don’t try demonstrating for women rights. You won’t live long.
In Morocco, don’t try saying Arab Saharawis have been displaced. You won’t live long.
In Yemen, don’t try apostasy. You won’t live long.
In the Palestinian Authority, don’t try supporting democratic Israel. You won’t live long.
Compare: Palestinians in Lebanon (Julie Peteet, World Refugee Survey 1997): "Despite international law governing the treatment of refugees, the Lebanese state implemented laws to restrict Palestinians in a variety of ways. In 1962, legislation placed Palestinians on a par with foreigners so that their gaining employment required a work permit. While Palestinians circumscribed this requirement for nearly two decades, the post-1982 period has witnessed its vigorous implementation. For example, Decision no. 289/1, issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs on December 18, 1982, set out the categories of employment closed to foreigners, which range from banking to barbering. The ministry also issued a circular detailing the arenas of work open to foreigners, with work permits, as: 'construction workers and workers in ancillary tasks, excluding electrical installations, sanitation facilities and glass mounting; agricultural workmen; tanning and leather workers; excavation workers; textile and carpet workmen; smelters; sanitation workers; nannies, nurses; servants and cooks; car wash and ubrication workers.' In other words, Palestinians are forbidden to work in all but the most menial of positions."
The Legal Status of Palestinian Refugees and their Relation with the Lebanese State (Nasri Saleh Hajjaj, Shaml, the Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Center)
Palestinians are driven from homes by armed Iraqis (Jack Fairweather, The Daily Telegraph, Jun 9, 2003): For all its golden words in support of the Palestinian cause, the [Iraqi] government refused to let them own their homes and restricted their employment to manual labour ... While the Palestinian cause may stir the passions of Arabs across the Middle East, Palestinians themselves are often regarded with suspicion. Palestinian militants were involved in civil wars in Jordan and Lebanon. In 1991, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were evicted from Kuwait after the emirate was liberated from the Iraqis. And in 1993 and 1994, hundreds were evicted from Libya on the grounds that Yasser Arafat had supported Saddam. Now it is the Palestinians in Baghdad who are the victims of the political upheaval."
Who Cares about Palestinians? (Arab-American journalist Joseph Farah, Aug. 23, 2001): "Who really cares about the human rights of Palestinian Arabs? Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other Muslim nations have warned Israel, in various ways and with different degrees of intensity, over the Jewish state's alleged mistreatment of Palestinian Arabs. There's one major problem with these threats. These nations have done far less for Arab Palestinians than Israel has."
Kill a Jew for Allah. The Mideast problem. (John Derbyshire, NRO, Mar 22, 2002): "Look: Possibly there would be some abstract justice in closing down the settlements, I don't know. I don't see it myself, I must admit. Why should Jews not live among Arabs? Lots of Arabs live in Israel, and do very well there. There are rich Israeli Arabs; there are Israeli-Arab pop stars and comedians; there are Israeli-Arab intellectuals, teachers, writers, businessmen, athletes. Why, when the whole thing gets sorted out, should there not be Jews living in Arab territory — as there were for centuries past? What, exactly, is wrong with the settlements? I don't see it."
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